I am leaving my web site up for a short period of time for those of you who may need a copy of your resume, cover letter, bio sheet and whatnot. If you need your files and your records, simply call me at 214-750-4781, or email me at bmurdock@swbell.net and I will happily forward your files at no charge. In passing and in farewell, I thank each and every one of you for your faith, your business and your referrals. You have given me a calling, a career and a mission that, I am equally proud to say, has been very successful.
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Bill Murdock is a nationally recognized resume writer, contributing author, seminar presenter and mentor and trainer to many of the professional resume writers in the nation. Lauded by author and founding member of the Professional Association of Resume Writers, Jay Block, as the "Dean of the List, " Bill's contributions to the emergence of the professional writing community over the past twenty years are significant.
Each of these entries is an actual resume, written for an actual client. I am including a brief introduction to each file so that you will understand the strategies behind each, and get a better idea of the value I offer. Richard Murdock spent over 30 years as a senior financial executive and manager in the Washington State educational system, including a decade as the Director of Finance and Treasury for the Evergreen Community College District.
Hashtag Monitoring to determine the effectiveness and total reach of the social media posts. Internally recognized for creative work for a new client - Momentus - undergoing a brand identity change. Assisted the installation teams on credit machine set-up at the clients office and trained employees on their use.
A highly experienced manager and team leader with both U.S. Navy and U.S. Postal Service experiences. As both Letter Carrier Supervisor and Union Steward, I bring over six years management experience overseeing operational administrative affairs and reviewing manpower allocations that have resulted in dramatically reduced grievance payouts ($26,000 to $3,400), increased savings by moving to paperless communications and an exceptional retention rate (75%) for New Hires.

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