Career goals should be set to help you decide on a profession, and allow you to montor the progress you are making in your career. Successful people are goal oriented, and those at the top of their profession typically have a plan for success and professional progress in their careers. Establishing career goals will keep you on track while working in your profession, but also come into play when you are looking for a job. Whether you are actively looking for a job, or taking an occasional look at on-line job boards, you should keep you career goals in mind.
Whether you use a resume distribution service, or are sending resumes out on your own, you must have a document that reflects you. While personal contacts are great, most of the time you will make your initial introduction to a company through a resume. First impressions are extremely important, and your resume will be the first thing that many employers will use to evaluate you.
Write your career goals with pen and paper first. Most people are tempted to use a computer when composing career goals, but it's too much like work. You will not get into a broad state of mind, and you'll feel like you are doing a work assignment. There is something about writing with a nice pen on well made paper that gets the creative juices flowing.
Setting career goals starts early on and continues throughout your career. Many people find that written career goals will help you stay on track, and monitor your progress in maintaining a healthy career progression. Reviewing your career goals frequently can help you identify areas in which you may have a weakness, and need to gain additional experience.
The has been on the web for over 10 years. The information contained in this website is designed to assist you as you go about finding a job or maximizing your career progression if you are employed. Please feel free to give me feedback on information contained here, or if you'd like to share information that you have found helpful with others, send me a link or information, and I'll add it to the website. Some of the information and products suggested on this website have been recommended to me.
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