Above all, our mission is to lead regional workforce development activities in order to assist individuals in obtaining the skills needed for today's workforce and to help employers retrain, hire, and retain skilled workers. The following employment opportunities are available. The WFWIB is accepting resumes and cover letters for all positions listed below on a rolling basis. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is federal legislation that is designed to strengthen and improve our nation's public workforce system.
The Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Investment Board, as fiscal agent for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds, periodically releases grants to assist employers and organizations to meet the workforce developments needs of the local area. Please check again later. Interested parties are encouraged to follow us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter to stay update to date on available RFPs.
As a workforce development board, the WFWIB is responsible for operating three PA CareerLink centers within the local area in partnership with the PA Department of Labor & Industry. PA CareerLink, a one-stop center for job seekers, provides assistance with job searching, training, resume and cover letter development, and more to help job seekers enter their new career.
The WFWIB has been a leader in the Westmoreland-Fayette area to implement partnerships where businesses, local school districts, and students collaborate. This collaboration educates our future workforce on career and college pathways. The Teacher In the Workplace program, or TIW, of the Westmoreland-Fayette area is all about connecting educators and school administrators with our local area's industry leaders. Through these connections, our education and workforce systems are aligned to best support local students.
Industry Leaders join Logistics & Transportation Industry Partnership - open PDF, download RTF. Westmoreland-Fayette PA CareerLink Centers Change Appointment Protocol - open PDF, download RTF. Read the WFWIB's newsletter, The WFWIB Times, today! The WFWIB Times shares local workforce updates and information, upcoming events, and WFWIB oprations.

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