SARAH Inc. is a leading provider of human services throughout various towns in Connecticut since 1957. We cultivate innovative person-centered programs to services all facets of the lives of individuals with differing abilities.
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KIDSTEPS is the children's division of SARAH, Inc serving infants and toddlers with developmental delays. KIDSTEPS is contracted by the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood to provide Birth to Three early intervention services. The Birth to Three System was created under Part C of the federal law the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and by state law 17a-248 Our professional staff of certified therapists such as speech and language pathologists, physical and occupational, early childhood specialists and teachers work directly with families and eligible children.
What happens after graduation? How do I best prepare for the shift from school to work? Can I first train for a job or be an apprentice or intern? Should I be taking additional courses? How do I develop the skills that I need to be successful? How do I find and apply for a job? How do I move on from working with a supervised crew to working independently at a job on my own?
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